About me

I did a Bachelor of Science Education (Profesor de Ciencias Naturales y Química) at Universidad de Concepción (2004-2008), where I have also received my Master degree in 2012 (Magíster en ciencias con mención en Química). I have completed my Ph. D. studies (april 2015- april 2019), Ph. D. in Sustainable Chemistry, in the Theoretical and Computational Biochemistry Research group at University of Porto, Portugal, under the supervision of Professor Pedro A. Fernandes. Then I have spent two years (2020-2021) as a postdoctoral fellow at the Universidad Andrés Bello, Concepción, Chile. Both the Ph. D. (N° 72140166) and postdoctoral (FONDECYT N° 3200304) programs were funded by ANID (ex-CONICYT).
Currently, I am assistant professor at the Departamento de Química, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile.