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- Vidal, Claudio; 2007, Periodic solutions in the singular logarithmic potential, Proyecciones 26 no. 2, 189–206, Chile, Univ. Catól. Norte Fac. Cienc., Dep. Mat., Estado actual-Scielo, ISSN: 0716-0917, 2013 Impact Factor: 0.0167.
- Santos, A. A.; Vidal, Claudio; 2007, Symmetry of the restricted 4+1 body problem with equal masses. Regul. Chaotic Dyn. 12 no. 1, 27–38, Russia, MAIK Nauka/Interperiod. Publ. ul., Germany, Springer, ISSN: 1560-3547, 2013 Impact Factor: 0.925.
- Falconi, M.; Lacomba, E. A.; Vidal, Claudio; 2007, On the dynamics of mechanical systems with homogeneous polynomial potentials of degree 4. Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 38 no. 2, 301–333, Germany, Springer, ISSN: 1678-7544, Impact Factor: 0.507.
- Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio; 2007, Dynamics of a particle in a gravitational field of a homogeneous annulus disk. Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom. 98, no. 2, 75–93, The Netherlands, Springer, ISSN: 0923-2958, Impact Factor: 2.084.